Farm Tomita in July: The Best Time For Seeing Lavender (2019)
Hi, it`s Furano Guide! I went to go see Farm Tomita in July! This was the best time to go see Furano`s world-famous lavender fields! Read through my blog for hints on where to park, where to go, and what to eat while enjoying the scenic flower fields set among mountains.

What is the Furano – Biei area like in June?
Hi, it`s Furano Guide! Is the lavender blooming yet? Are the other flower fields in full bloom? What is the condition of the fields at Farm Tomita? Is the Blue Pond really blue? Read through my June Update on the popular destinations in the Furano - Biei area!

If you are looking for Miso Ramen in Furano, Jyuasa Ramen Shop is the place for you!
Hi, this is Furano Guide! Let me show you about Jyuasa Ramen Shop, a very popular local ramen shop in the Furano Area! The miso ramen here is well-known by the locals for a very good reason!

“Spring in Furano” Furano ~ Biei in May
Hi! This is Furano Guide! Here is my update on conditions in Furano for May 2019! The cherry blossoms are just about done, while tulips are blooming, and the locals are getting ready for summer!

Furano’s best visit ” Santa-no-hige (Santa’s beard)” POPURA FARM
Hi it's me Trip guide Today, I'm here at POPURA FARM where is famous for Santa-no-hige. literally means Santa's beard. H...

Genuine Nepalese curry in Nakafurano with endless nan bread refills!
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